So sorry for not letting you all know where I have been lately.... Life has its little twists and turns doesn't it and just as well we don't know what is to happen from one day to the next.... otherwise we would all just hide under the covers and go back to sleep..
I have had my dd no 3 in hospital, but no need to worry (anymore) as she seems to be on the mend and I think it may have been viral... She came down with chest pain a month ago and we put it down to straining ligaments in the chest area, however it continued and did not get any better with rest and so our doctor sent her to hospital for a check and they admitted her last Monday and we have had numerous tests in the last few days.. mri.. echocardiogram... blood tests... neuro tests...examinations... medications.... what a worry,

I then had to change plane tickets to Taylor Swift concert in Auckland, was not going to go, but we had results by Thursday night and the tests ruled out anything sinister to our relief.... so away I went with dd no 1, and what a fabulous concert it was... but now I am back today and exhausted... a good nights sleep in my own bed is looking pretty good. Who out there in blogland finds they need to stretch themselves around for all the daughters, to ensure life is fair for all of them.... just as well I have a fabulous husband who steps in when needed to be mum at home... thankyou dh..
This is to prove I did end up in Auckland, and I did feel sideways most of the time after the week, but sorry could not get this picture to rotate and I really wanted to go to bed it is 11.08pm.
As I have not had time to sort photos but wanted to let you all know I am still here and its now 1st December!!! who would have believed it.
Not sure if I showed you the completed Dresden cushion all finished??
I did get the SSCS parcels away.. thank goodness last week..
Happy stitching this week hope to see you Friday